TM 9-2320-366-34-2
(9) Position three retaining plates (9) on clutch housing (2)
with six lockwashers (10) and screws (11).
(10) Tighten six screws (11) to 30 lb-in. (3 N m).
(11) Remove two C-clamps from clutch housing (2).
(12) Install seal (12) and preformed packing (13) on clutch
housing (2).
(12.1) Install preformed packing (13.1) on clutch housing (2).
(13) Install preformed packing (14) on cylinder (15).
(14) Install cylinder (15) on shaft (3).
(15) Position tab washer (16) and self-locking nut (17) on
shaft (3).
(16) Tighten self-locking nut (17) to 84 lb-in. (9 N m).
End of Task.
Change 1
5-9/(5-10 Blank)