TM 9-2320-366-34-3
(86) Position trailer air supply valve (123) and system park
valve (124) in cab (2).
(87) Connect two hoses (125) to system park valve (124).
(88) Connect two air hoses (126) to trailer air supply valves
(89) Connect air hose (127) to tee fitting (85).
(90) Position manual throttle lever (128) on dashboard (34)
with friction disk (129), spring washer (130), washer
(131), and self-locking nut (132).
(91) Tighten self-locking nut (132) to 48-50 lb-in. (5-6 N·m).
(92) Install flasher (133) on dashboard (34) with two washers
(134) and screws (135).
Change 1