TM 9-2320-366-34-2
Figure D-54. Battery Ground Cable Assembly
a. All dimensions are in inches (centimeters).
b. Strip 0.69 inch (1.8 cm) insulation from ends of cables (1 and 2).
c. Install band marker (6) on cable (1) at position shown on Figure D-54. Battery Ground Cable Assembly.
d. Mark two marker sleeves (7) in ink with characters 0.13 inch (0.3 cm) high, as follows: 19207-12378575.
e. Install marker sleeve (7) on cable (1) at position shown in Figure D-54. Battery Ground Cable Assembly.
f. Install marker sleeve (7) on cable (2) at position shown in Figure D-54. Battery Ground Cable Assembly.
g. Install sleeve (8) on cable (1) over marker sleeve (7).
h. Install sleeve (8) on cable (2) over marker sleeve (7).
i. Stamp Gnd using metal stamping tools on lug terminal (5). Make sure (Gnd) i s visible on terminal side that can
be seen when battery ground cable assembly is installed on vehicle battery. See battery layout in Figure D-54.
Battery Ground Cable Assembly.
j. Stamp a minus sign (-) using metal stamping tools on lug terminals (3 and 4). Make sure (-) i s stamped on terminal
side that can be seen when battery ground cable assembly is installed on vehicle battery. See battery layout in
Figure D-54. Battery Ground Cable Assembly.
k. Install sleeving (9) over each end of cable (1).
l. Install sleeving (9) over each end of cable (2).
m. Insert end of cables (1 and 2) into lug terminal (3). Turn lug terminal to make sure stamped mark on lug terminal
will be visible when battery ground cable assembly is installed on vehicle battery. See battery layout in Figure D-
54. Battery Ground Cable Assembly.
n. Crimp lug terminal (3) to end of cables (1 and 2).
o. Insert end of cable (2) into lug terminal (4). Turn lug terminal to make sure stamped mark on lug terminal will be
visible when battery ground cable assembly is installed on vehicle battery. See battery layout in Figure D-54.
Battery Ground Cable Assembly.
p. Crimp lug terminal (4) to end of cable (2).
q. Insert end of cable (1) into lug terminal (5). Turn lug terminal to make sure stamped mark on lug terminal will be
visible when battery ground cable assembly is installed on vehicle battery. See battery layout in Figure D-54.
Battery Ground Cable Assembly.
r. Crimp lug terminal (5) to end of cable (1).
s. Apply thermoplastic adhesive filler (10) to four sleevings (9).
t. Seal four sleevings (9) over crimp on lug terminal (5) and over crimps on lug terminals (3 and 4) using thermal
heat gun to dry thermoplastic adhesive filler.