TM 9-2320-366-34-4
Adhesives, solvents, and sealing compounds
can burn easily, can give off harmful vapors,
and are harmful to skin and clothing. Keep
away from open fire and use in a well-
ventilated area.
If adhesive, solvent, or
sealing compound gets on skin or clothing,
wash immediately with soap and water.
Failure to comply may result in injury to
(71) Apply adhesive sealant to mounting flange of differential
carrier (14) and threads of oil screen (65).
(72) Position oil pump cover (66) on differential carrier (14)
with nine washers (67) and screws (68).
(73) Tighten screws (68) to 74-96 lb-ft (100-130 N·m).
(74) Install oil screen (65) on oil pump cover (66).
d. Adjustment
A. Ring Gear Runout:
(1) Attach dial indicator on mounting flange of differential
carrier (1).
(2) Adjust dial indicator so plunger is against the back
surface of ring gear (2).
(3) Adjust dial indicator to zero.
(4) Rotate ring gear (2) a complete rotation. Dial indicator
should not exceed 0.008 in. (0.020 cm) runout.
Change 1