TM 9-2320-366-34-2
Perform steps (67) through (69) on models
M1084, M1086, M1090, and M1094.
(67) Remove bolt (73) from transfer case housing (74).
(68) Position bracket (75) on transfer case housing (74)
with bolt (73).
(69) Tighten bolt (73) to 44-55 lb-ft (59-74 N·m).
Perform steps (70) through (72) on vehicle
serial number 1478 and higher.
Steps (70) and (71) require the aid of an
During installation of flexplate bolts, access
each flexplate bolt by turning alternator pulley
through a series of short arcs.
(70) Position six bolts (76) in flexplate (77).
(71) Tighten six bolts (76) to 37-45 lb-ft (51-61 N·m).
(72) Install plug (78) in flywheel housing (79).
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