TM 9-2320-366-34-420-5. CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGS REPLACEMENT/REPAIR (CONT)b. Cleaning/Inspection.WARNINGDiesel fuel is flammable. Keep diesel fuelaway from open fire and keep a fireextinguisher within easy reach whenworking with diesel fuel. Do not smokewhen working with diesel fuel. If fuel isspilled, clean it up immediately. Failure tocomply may result in serious injury ordeath to personnel.CAUTIONIf crankshaft main or connecting rod bearingjournals are found to be out of tolerance,crankshaft must be replaced and new mainbearings installed. Failure to comply mayresult in damage to equipment.NOTEReplace any part that fails visual inspectionor size measurement requirements.(1) Clean crankshaft (1), main bearings (2), and mainbearing caps (3) thoroughly with diesel fuel.(2) Inspect seven crankshaft main bearing journals (4) forcracks and evidence of overheating.CAUTIONCheck crankshaft main bearing journals intwo places, 90 degrees apart, on each mainbearing journal. Do not use area immediatelyaround oil hole where journal surface islower. Failure to comply may result ininaccurate readings and damage toequipment.(3) Check dimensions of seven crankshaft main bearingjournals (4). Refer to Table 20-5. Crankshaft MainBearing Journal Diameters.20-32
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