TM 9-2320-366-34-2
(17) Position clamp (20) on frame plate (1) with bolt (21) and
self-locking nut (22).
(18) Tighten self-locking nut (22) to 84-108 lb-in. (10-12 N·m).
c. RH Removal.
(1) Remove two self-locking nuts (1), bolts (2), and clamps
(3) from frame plate (4). Discard self-locking nuts.
(2) Remove self-locking nut (5), terminal lugs TL92 (6), and
TL93 (7), clamp (8), self-locking nut (9), lockwasher (10),
and screw (11) from frame plate (4). Discard self-locking
nut and lockwasher.