TM 9-2320-366-34-2
Use care when removing valve body
parts retained by retaining pins. Valve
body parts are under tension and can
act as projectiles when released causing
severe eye injury. Failure to comply
may result in injury to personnel.
Retaining pins must be removed from bottom
of solenoid body. Failure to comply may result
in damage to equipment.
C6 clutch solenoid assemblies contain parts
which cannot be interchanged. Tag parts
during disassembly. Failure to comply may
result in damage to equipment.
(2) Remove retaining pin (3), regulator valve solenoid (4),
regulator valve (5), and spring (6) from C6 clutch valve
body (2).
(3) Remove preformed packings (7 and 8) from regulator
valve solenoid (4). Discard preformed packings.
(4) Remove retaining pin (3), C6 interlock valve solenoid
(9), C6 interlock valve (10), and spring (6) from C6
clutch valve body (2).
(5) Remove preformed packings (11 and 12) from C6
interlock valve solenoid (9). Discard preformed